Theme 3 looks to provide a deep understanding of the scale of the problems that a new health technology aims to address in terms of health and the economy.
This includes:

Understanding the target population of a new intervention: Who are they and how many people are affected by the health need in question?

Identifying the current care pathway an intervention looks to change: What is the journey of these patients through the current healthcare system, which health care professionals do they see, what tests do they undergo, and how could a new technology fit into this pathway to make it better?

Determining the challenge in terms of health economics: Will a new technology reduce cost, speed up diagnosis, or improve patient quality of life?

Quantifying the potential impact for innovative change: How will the new technology improve patient care, treatment and outcomes as well as NHS services?
The problems and solutions identified by Theme 3 will then be utilised by Theme 4 to ensure a new technology has all the required evidence to be approved and adopted into the health and care system.